Monday, August 4, 2008

Discoveries at the park

My husband and I found ourselves at the Ogden City Parkway on Sunday. After all this winter, last weekend was such a treat; we couldn't stay in our stuffy house any longer. Of course Attika and Gage, our children, (the dogs) needed to stretch their legs and explore the world as well. So we set off for the parkway. When we got there my first thoughts were, "Wow, this is packed!" There wasn't hardly anywhere to park the car; but we got the dogs situated and began down the nicely paved trail. I guess from here I'll get to the point; I noticed a few simple things while we were there and just thought I'd share them with you.
I first noticed the Ogden River; it was furious, rushing west and traveling to an end that I cannot picture. The sound was therapeutic; it was at first all I could hear. As we came upon the first opening I noticed the sound of an ice-cream truck, what seemed to be hundreds of little kids were surrounding it. The music playing out of the truck and the giggles and laughter I could hear brought me back to my childhood- when simple things in life, like an ice-cream truck circling the neighborhood, could bring me utter happiness and bliss. What a world that would be to live in again, right?
On Sunday the Parkway was very populated, I noticed several people grilling food at the provided areas, flying kites, riding bikes, roller blading, fishing, reading, walking their dogs, and the list could go on and on. I appreciate having such a place provided to us where we can do so many things. The dogs were so cute, Gage was his normal self-chill, laid back and then there was Atti-a three inch legged spitfire ready to fight and wanting to take down any dog that came in her way, even the huge Mastiff that could have eaten her up in one bite. This annoyed me and I began watching for dogs up ahead in our path so that I could distract her from them in some way as we passed. While doing this I noticed how many different dogs were there, big and small, black and white, spotted or solid, aggressive or timid, etc. As I noticed the diversity on a canine level, I began to notice it at my own "human" level. Again my differences can go from size, race, style, and personality. Fellow dog walkers would smile, some would nod, and others would actually say "Hello." We were approached by young children asking if they could pet our dogs as their parents watched. I couldn't help but to stop and notice the outward friendliness and the polite attitude of the people around me. Have you ever noticed while camping or hiking or in any "vacation spot" really that people are friendlier? People actually make eye contact and find it in their hearts to say hello; I've always wondered the reasoning behind this- Are they happier? Do some feel obligated when put in that element? I don't know, but I like it. You don't find that at the mall, or at Wal-Mart. I know I'm guilty of it at times, I don't make eye contact, I'm in too big of a hurry to smile or say lose what it means to be polite. This is the society we live that we have created. It is a new goal of mine to be more outwardly polite and friendly to those I come in contact with, whether they be total strangers or long time friends. :)
I began to dig deeper when glancing or watching the people I passed by or saw that day at the park. I noticed young love, friends, committed couples, family, and of course the ones that walked or sat alone. My heart went out to those who were alone. Some I could tell were just relaxing and enjoying a good book, some were determined athletes who were there for one purpose and couldn't be bothered. There were a few, of an older generation who were alone and I kept wondering why- Were they widowers? Were they just out for a nice Sunday stroll? I became sad for those that were alone and pondered what my life will be like at that age. Which brings me to this...enjoy now, the present, your life-notice and appreciate diversity.
I noticed a lot of things that day at the park as I walked Attika and felt the warm sun on my skin with beauty all around me. My advice to you is this-find the beauty in the world and hold onto it. You'll find it in places you never expected.