Thursday, June 26, 2008

"Religion teaches us who we're required to love, not who we are entitled to hate."

I was born into the latter day saints church, I can say that I attended this church until I was about 16 years old. While growing up in this religion, I was introduced to a set of rules to live by. They are as follows:

1. Don't drink
2. Don't watch rated R movies
3. Don't swear
4. Don't wear unmodest clothing
5. Don't have pre-marital sex
6. Don't do anything un-holy on Sundays

I'm sure I could think of some more, but those are the few that stand out to me and well, I've broken them all. Rules were meant to be broken right? No, I guess what I'm trying to say is this...because I do/have done those things, does that mean I've lost my right to earn a place in heaven? People. Please. My decisions in life have not made me someone un-holy, they have made me who I am. Even though I haven't attended a church of any religion in 6 years I am still just as spiritual if not more now, in my life. I have a great relationship with God and I am a great person.

Because the bigger part of my family still attends the LDS Church and practices its faith, I have watched it deteriorate over the years. Man has stepped in and changed what this faith was originally meant to be. I feel like the guidelines I listed above are healthy to an extent. Liquor is bad for your liver, pre-marital sex can bring bastard children into an inevitably unhappy atmosphere, rated R movies can portray violence and give sick minds, sick ideas. I get it. But the difference between following those guidelines for the greater good and following those guidelines because you've been told you'll be damned to hell if you don't is HUGE. Don't tell me that because I'm living my life and making decisions that make me happy that God will punish me. I refuse to believe that; and so should you. If you happen to encounter a judgemental soul then you have met someone who doesn't know who they are. The only way they determine what they are is by putting down who they think they shouldn't be. ..if that makes sense. True greatness to me is someone who can respect and accept others for who they are, not what you think they should be.

Religion is meant to calm the minds who fear the unknown, to give us something to believe in, to use for guidance, and to feel like we belong to something. What it is not is a way for others to belittle anyone who isn't just like them.

Live your life. Be Free. Love thy neighbor as thyself...

p.s. thanks for the quote Kyle. Love you.


Anonymous said...

great thoughts hol, thanks for sharing...