Tradition has proven itself joyful, yet again. For the past couple of months Amy and I have been creating a much needed girls night either during the week or the weekend. Last night we embarked upon our sixth girls night; lately it has become a weekly thing rather than the once a month we first talked about.
Throughout each friendship I have gained I have come to realize that friendship rarely ever comes easy, at least not the ones that truly matter. Needless to say my relationship with mame (Amy, Slame, Dizzy dame) is recently coming off the rocks we hit this summer. Some might say that having to work within a relationship you have with a friend isn't worth it, but I completely disagree. Sometimes knowing that both of you care enough, to fight, get over it, and beginning to rekindle what might have been lost during the fight tells me so much more. It feels good knowing that someone cares about you enough to work through the bad stuff and make the good stuff that much better.
Amy and I have gotten along from day one. I have lots of memories with her, even before I have memories with Jon. She's always been a sweetheart and she always gets me. The dirty dancing recaps, the Levi goat laugh, stealing people's liquor, making mac and cheese...throwing benches into Holiday Innn's swimming pools at 2:00a.m. I could go on forever. From the crazy ass w. terrace times through the goyk hennessey days up until now with our girl's nights mame will always be in my heart. She taught me how to play guitar hero, one handed like a fuckin rock star, that's bad ass. ;) love you sis, sliss. Let's never forget why we click the way we do in the first place.